we the people, make it mean something

Mark Eberwine

Our Nation’s problems, have been caused by those who put money above God, Family, our Country and her children.

They are the Moneychangers.

Get Focused, Stay Focused

For decades, big business has worked to buy the news media, to control what you hear, to control how the ‘news’ is presented, and how often you hear the version of events they want you to accept.

I first began to recognize this years ago when the local newspapers or television stations would start an investigative news story on a business, only to be told by the corporation or other business that they would no longer advertise on that television station or in that newspaper, if the story was published.  Now, If you follow the money, you will see which corporate conglomerates own your local and national news agencies.  The news you hear is exactly what big business wants you to hear.

We will change this.  We the People will take control this next election.

Hope is not a plan. Change, for the sake of change, is not a plan.

Your Children’s Future is being stolen by bad players who invite you to hope and dream year after year, as they dismantle your Country.

Why is mark different?

Like many of you, he has benefited from the hard work and sacrifice of those that have fought for our freedoms, our opportunities, and the opportunities and dreams that may be afforded our nations children. He is not a lawyer, He is not a millionaire, He is not a graduate of Harvard or Yale. He is like the many millions of you who wake up each day and ask how we allowed our country to be…

get focused podcast

Join us as we dive deep into topics that matter most to you. Tune in now and let’s embark on a transformative and enlightening experience together. Get Focused & Stay Focused with the “Get Focused Podcast.


Welcome to Eberwine for President 2024, the online hub where we passionately focus on the issues that matter most to you. Immerse yourself in the enlightening world of the “Get Focused Podcast,” as we delve deep into topics that strike a chord with you, offering a transformative experience. Let’s embark on this new journey together to make a positive difference. Reach out and share your thoughts, and let our online forum become a space where engagement thrives. Get Focused. Stay Focused.

The United States will again belong to our citizens, and not big business and elected officials.  Our children will no longer be indoctrinated by big business and the public school system.

The Blueprint

Together, the hard working, the determined, those that work to make life a little more rewarding for everyone, can replace all of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives in November of 2024 with people bound by OUR directives.  My plan, and now OUR plan, is a method of ensuring that all future members of the House, Senate, and Presidency are elected via a legally binding sworn oath, before you ever cast your vote for them.  Before they ever have the opportunity to put your interests behind their interests.

We will change this,

we the people

we will take control this next election.

Our website ‘Eberwine for President, We the People’, provides an opportunity for all of us to make a difference.

Here are some suggested laws that would 


From the moment a person declares their candidacy for public office, until five years after their term of service in that office, every spoken and written word that emanates from that person is under oath, under penalty of perjury.

Term Limits shall be imposed on the President, members of the Senate and members of the House. Each of offices shall be limited to two terms. The exception being that if a members or members of the Senate or House pursues a 3rd term and receives 80% of the vote in the primary election, that person shall be eligible for a third term in office. Additionally, the maximum allowable total cumulative number of years a person is allowed to serve as a federal office holder as President, and as a member of the Senate or House, is 14 years.

All federal legislation, to include Bills, Acts, Laws are to be standalone, single issue.  Funding Bills shall be separately voted on directly coupled to a single Bill, Act and Law.

The statute of limitations for crimes committed in public office is increased to twelve years. This statute is to be retroactively enforced, in both the criminal and civil jurisdictions.

Federal Magistrates, Judges and appellate court Justices are forbidden from making rulings on issues of Constitutionality, unless and until, that person has completed 1000 hours of Constitutional Law Courses provided by the U.S. Supreme Court and the SCOTUS law clerks. Any Magistrate, Judge or Justice who completes the required continuing education classes, and who has their court rulings overturned by the appellate courts three times, is no longer eligible to hear and issue rulings involving Constitutional issues.

Cease all immigration, work visas, and any other means of gaining access to our United States social programs and employment opportunities.  Close and Secure our borders.  Provide tax incentives to employers when hiring Americans.  The tax incentive shall be 50 percent corporate tax rate and a 50 percent income tax bracket for all corporate board members and all company owners, who hire anyone other than American Citizens.

At this point, you may be thinking…
‘I have a law that I would like to see passed.’

Without hesitation, submit your suggestions to the EberwineforPresident website, for new laws, or for laws that need to go-away.

GET FOCUSED,stay focused

Feel free to reach out to us through our contact form, and we’ll be delighted to assist you. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional support and addressing all your inquiries promptly. Don’t hesitate to connect with us – we value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you!